Monday, 30 March 2015

How can I reset password for Microsoft Office 365

If you have forgotten your password or it’s not working:
If you don’t remember your password or it’s not working, you can use Microsoft Online Password reset site for sending you a new password to your workplace technical support. They are the person who setup your work or school account.
You can directly contact your workplace technical team directly if you know who your admin is. He can provide you with a new temporary password to use when you sign in next time. Then you can change your password when you sign in next time.
For the admin of Office 365: Admin can reset a user’s password for those users who forgot their passwords.
You can reset your own password, if you are the only admin for Office 365 in your organization and you have already provided any alternate email address and any mobile phone number that can receive a text message.
Important: You need a mobile phone that can receive text messages for password reset only if one or both of the following applies to you:
·         Your organization has a custom domain that you’ve set up to use with Setup Office 365.
·         Your work or school account is synchronized through directory synchronization.
Use the following guidelines, use the following instructions:
·         Use at least 8 to 16 characters.
·         Create a strong password so that it can’t be easily guessed or cracked. Work or school account passwords require at least 3 of the following:
*   Lowercase letters
*   Uppercase letters
*   Numbers (0-9)
*   Include special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ < > ( ) ;

If you forget your password, request a password reset from an Office 365 admin. Your admin can provide you with a new temporary password to use the next time you sign in microsoft office setup

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